Our Story


The farm has eight huge globe willow trees that hum with activity providing the first pollen of spring for bees, cool shade on a hot summer day, and yellow leaves for days in fall. Jenn grew up in Northern NY on the St. Lawrence River and Jesse grew up in Southern Colorado near the Animas River. Water is the common thread that weaves the past and present through our careers as hydrologists and fruit farmers. Water is life for the giant globe willow tree and fruit orchards in Western Colorado. Jenn moved to the Grand Valley in 2008 and Jesse in 2003. After living in Grand Junction for many years we made the cross valley relocation to Palisade (2015) and started farming four acres of wine grapes. Without any knowledge of growing grapes (Jenn’s grandparents were dairy farmers, very different from fruit growers), we harnessed all the local knowledge we could from the Palisade fruit growing community. Our farm has five varieties of cold hardy grapes, four red grapes Marquette, Baco Noir, Chambourcin, Itasca, and one white grape La Crescent. We added two Southdown Babydoll Sheep to our farm in 2016 to help with weed control. Our flock has since grown to 12. In 2019 we added four acres of peaches (Red Haven, Glo Haven, Coral Star, Gloria, and Roza) and almost an acre of cherries (Bing, Skeena, and Rainer). In 2023 we were approved as an organically certified operation through CCOF.

We are a family of four, with two enthusiastic daughters, Madalyn and Acadia. We also have a fluffy friendly dog (Maple), one mouse hunting cat (Amelie), and 16 unnamed occasional egg producing chickens.